Parent Group Mission

Parent Group Mission: To build community and support the staff and one another, for the good of our children (construir una comunidad y apoyar el personal apoyarnos los unos a los otros, por el bien de nuestros hijos)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Parent Group Meeting December 16 notes

There were about ten of us in attendance in the conference room.  Sandra provided coffee.  Rachael brought a handful of Christmas cookies her husband and sons made the night before.  It would be great if we had more refreshments for the next meeting.  Anali mentioned that, last year, some of the Free Dress Day money went to providing refreshments for the parent group.  Rachael said we could look into ways to make money for the parent group (for example, she knows a parent group that hosted a baby sitting night at their school to make money for their parent group and made quite a bit of money in one evening). Rachael nominated Anali to be in charge of refreshments and hospitality, once we get some funds.

Sandra couldn't translate for the meeting because she was running the book fair, so Emma translated.

The two women who made suggestions of organizing against post-election harassment (directed at non-whites) and finding out how to get a school to be an immigration safe zone were not in attendance.

Rachael brought up the Resource Fair and how it was poorly attended by parents.  Here is some parent feedback:
  1. Resource Fair is a vague description.  It was never clearly communicated to parents who would be there and what kind of resources would be offered.  Last year, for example, parents could sign up for presents and Santa actually came to people's doors and delivered the presents.  Also, a policeman had a signup sheet for Christmas toys.  And they knew this in advance, so they could decide if they were interested in signing up or not.
  2. Parents don't want to come through with their kids, so it would have been better to have it during school, while students are in school.
  3. It was not clearly communicated that Ms. Ellis was offering crafts for kids to do in her room.
A running theme was poor communication.  For example, the women who offered to bring refreshments for this meeting said it was not clearly communicated to them that they should.  So, they didn't.  Also, parents were bringing in donations of used winter gear, as well as used stuffed animals, and it wasn't clear if they were for the coat drive or for the Family to Family Holiday Help initiative.  We suggested putting out the stuffed animals during the drama performance on Wednesday.

Rachael mentioned that she would be leading a Holiday song singalong in the cafeteria on Monday during lunch.

Rachael reported that 15 families requested help with gifts and clothes for the holidays, and only 3 families offered to help, so she was going to ask teachers after the parent meeting if they wanted to help a family.  She also opened it up to parents at the meeting to take on a family, if they wanted to.

One parent voiced her frustration that Mr. Donner wasn't at the meeting.  She said, why do we have these meetings, if Mr. Donner isn't even here to hear our concerns?  Which, brings up the question of what are the parent group meetings for...are they just a place to complain?  It was Rachael's understanding that we were coming together to support one another and the teachers and our children by talking and organizing.  We agreed that we should not set a date for January's parent group meeting until we know that Mr. Donner can and will plan to attend on that date.  In January, we should also talk more about what the parent group meeting is for.  (Since there seemed to be a lot of talk of wanting a place for freebies and venting more than wanting to get to know each other and work together for the good of our school community...)

A couple of parents voiced feeling not "welcome" in the morning at school, because they were accustomed to walking their children to class, and now they have been told that they no longer can, because it potentially holds teachers up from getting the day started with their class.  Rachael agreed to organize a meeting with Mr. Donner and the parents who were concerned about this. 

Tamika confirmed with Ms. Roberts and let us know that parents were welcome to the drama performance on Wednesday, December 21. 

Rachael encouraged the group to remember that we were about supporting one another, which meant speaking the truth to one another in LOVE and giving one another the benefit of the doubt, since we were all busy and sometimes forgot things or didn't communicate well but all really cared about the school and the well-being of our children. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Holiday Singalong Songs for December 19

On Monday, December 19, we will have a Holiday Singalong in the cafeteria during student lunch (11am-12:20pm).  Please come and sing along!  Below is the link to a list of songs we might sing.

Parent Group Meeting November 18 notes

On Friday, November 18, about 15 of us gathered in room 129 to talk about what's going on at the school (and in our country).  Mr. Donner joined us for the first half of the meeting.  We began talking about whether or not the recent election had impacted our children's safety at school.  No one had anything negative to report and instead praised the staff for seeming well prepared and adept at handling the situation.  Parents had heard of incidents at other Detroit schools.  One woman said she knew of adults that were being harassed and asked if there was anything we as a parent group could do about it.  Erica said she had heard that some schools were designated as sanctuaries for students without immigration papers and asked if SWDCS was.  Frank said, no, not officially, but the school works hard to keep every student safe.  The police officer that is sometimes around the school wanted parents to know that he is only there for the students' safety and has nothing to do with immigration.

Rachael encouraged the two women to find out more from people and online and come back next meeting and tell us what action steps, if any, they would like us to take as a group.

 We talked about the Family to Family Holiday Help idea, and after discussing and proposing different ideas, we agreed on an application to request help and to offer help and a dropbox in the office.

Rachael mentioned the Resource Fair coming up December 7.

Rachael also mentioned that she would play the keyboard and sing during lunch in the cafeteria on November 28, if anyone wanted to join her.

Anali and some others decided they would like to bring treats and have coffee next Parent Group Meeting.  Sandra said the school would provide the coffee.   Yay for collaboration!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Parents Trick-or-Treating

Anali Garcia, Josefina Vazquez and Rachael Sanowski went trick-or-treating on Monday morning at their children's classrooms.  Here they are in Ms. Dobbins' class.  They also visited Ms. Stoney, Ms. D-W, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Williams and Ms. Roberts and their students.

Next Parent Meeting: Friday, November 18, 8:30am!!!!

Parent Group Meeting # 2 October 28

There were about fifteen of us in attendance at the second parent group meeting.  We started in small groups, introducing ourselves and talking about our children.

Rachael mentioned this blogsite again and how to log in.

Rachael mentioned that there is an opportunity for parents to pray together Monday mornings from 8:15-8:30 in room 141.

Raquel talked about the resource fair.  We discussed also having a book and clothes exchange at the resource fair.  We talked about having a movie night at the same time, so that the kids had something to do while the parents gathered resources.  We talked about having a dropbox in the office where parents could share needs for the holidays (food, clothes, toys) and having another list for parents who were willing to collect and donate resources for families at the school in need.  We felt like this would be a good way to show support to one another.  Deniqua mentioned the Goodfellows program.

Hilary talked about classroom ambassadors and met with ambassador volunteers after the parent group meeting.  Some teachers still have no parent ambassadors.

Rachael mentioned the Facebook parent group that Erik created as a means for parents to communicate about volunteer opportunities.  For example, if one parent was going to bring kites to recess and fly them with the children at recess, he/she could let other parents know the day and time, so they could join in if they wanted.  However, Rachael confessed to not knowing much about Facebook or how to utilize groups on Facebook.  Erik wasn't present to enlighten her/the group :).

Rachael talked about flash mob volunteering again.  She mentioned her hopes of Ms. Liebler teaching some of them a little Zumba dance, that parents can bust out with at lunch one day.  She also mentioned her plan to dress up and go trick-or-treating at children's classrooms on Monday (if granted Mr. Donner's permission).

Next Parent Group Meeting:  Friday, November 18, 8:30am

More encouragements

Hola Ms. D-W, Solo quiero agradecerte todo loque haces por mis hijo.  Eres una super maestra y agradesco todo la paciencia que tienes para los niños.

I just want to thank you for all that you do for my kids.  You are a super teacher.  And I appreciate all the patience you have for these kids.                 

Ms. Dobbins, Quiero darles los gracias por ser una muy buena maestra. Aunque tiene muy poco de conocer a mi hija yo la quiere mucho y agradesco que mi hija la quiera mucho.

I want to send a thank you because you are a very good teacher.  My daughter loves you too much.  In these few days, you get her love, and I appreciate that.   --Anali Garcia

Ms. Brunette,

No hay palabras para decir lo siento pero sabemos a Dios nos manda los Angeles para alguna 
mición.  Y el echo a Luciano C te aya tocado como alumno y te aya regalado sy hermasa sonrisa ati, su familia y a mis hijos a convivierón con el.  Es una gran vendición.  Agradecemos todo tu tiempo dedicado a nuestros pequeños.

There aren't words to explain how I feel.  But we know that God sends angels for a mission.  And He sent Luciano C to be your student.  And He gave you Luciano's beautiful smile.  He was a great blessing to his family and his classmates.  Thanks for all your time and dedication that you give to our little ones.  --Esveydi Fraga (Lezlie, Alexis, Magaly)

Ms. Stoney,
Muchas Gracias por cuidar de mi niño.  Deseo el apoyo por el. Dios la bendigos por su hermoso labor.

Thank you very much for taking care of my son.  I wish support to him.  God bless you because you are doing a beautiful work.   -- Maria Graciela Romero

Quiero felicitar a la maestra de mi hija  (Ms. Brunette) porque es muy difícil atender atantos niños y sin embargo mi hija dise que esta muy feliz por el trato que ellas lesda es paciente y amable es peremos que nunca cambie. Gracias.
I want to congratulate my daughter's teacher (Ms. Brunette) because it is very hard to keep the attention of all those kids.  However, my daughter said she is very happy with the treatment that you give her.  You are nice and very patient.  We hope that you never change.  Thanks.

And thanks to those teachers who take our kids outside in any kind of weather.  And thank you to Sandra (Gonzalez) for her support.  --Maria Orozco

I am here to support the teachers, students and parents.  As parents, we all need to set an example for our children.    -- Mitzy Tripp

Miss Thompson,

Thanks because you accepted my son this new school year.  I hope you can give him support and help him this new school year and make this year more interesting for him.  Thanks again for your support and understanding.

And I want to thank Ms. Stoney for being patient and helping my son Carlos G. last year.

I am so sad with the news we received (about Luciano).  I am thankful for the support you give my kids.  I never said it, but I really appreciate you so much.  

Estoy muy triste por la noticia.  Que resivimos y es hoy cuando me siento muy agradesida con usted por el apollo que les brindan a mis hijos.  Gracias auque nunca se los digo las aprecio mucho. --Judith Ramos

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Encouragement for Staff and Students

We feel fortunate to be part of a school community that comes together in times of celebration and tragedy to support each other. And in it's short history, it has had both. It has used creativity, love, respect, education, and community to get through it. We can talk about what we love and what we struggle with and ALWAYS there is action that follows. That is true community. --Erik Howard

To Staff: Thank you for helping raise our kids. On the hard days, remember that we would all be lost without you and every day you show up for work you are changing their lives.

To Students: You are capable of great things. Rise to the occasion because it's not about today and doing schoolwork; what you do here today can help shape your future.  --Hilary Young

To Staff: Teaching is hard.  Learning is hard.  Sometimes just getting out of bed is hard.  I long for Southwest DCS to be a place where you feel AWAKE and ALIVE because you are doing things you love with people who love you!  Thank you for dreaming up a beautiful vision and mission.  Thank you for showing up every day with the desire to see them come true.  Thank you for coming to work even when the day before was horrible.  Thank you for your kindness, your courage, your creativity and your endurance!  You are amazing!

To Students: There are things you need to learn, but there are things you already KNOW.  You know that you are at your best when you feel safe and loved and trusted.  You know that telling the truth keeps things clean in your heart and between the people you love.  You know that mean words kill, but kind words raise the dead.  You know what it feels like to be left out, and you know that light and breezy feeling when another takes you in with a smile or a complement or an invitation.  You know that you can CHANGE THE WORLD.  Not someday.  When you're bigger.  When you're smarter.  When you're cooler.  When you're farther.  You can change the world TODAY.  By being a safe place.  By asking tough questions and not settling for easy answers.  By listening to each other.  By fighting boredom with creative risk.  By being yourself.  By thinking for yourself.  By sticking with a task, even when it's hard. By being an inviter.  By speaking life to each other!  Thank you for being.  You are WONDERFUL! --Rachael Sanowski

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Our first parent group meeting took place on Friday, September 30 at 8:30am.  There were 28 parents in attendance!  Mr. Donner joined us at first and introduced us to Kammy Webb, the middle school instructional coach.  He also spoke about the heartbreaking passing of Luciano Cruz, 1st grader.  He informed us of ways to show support to Luciano's family and ways for us and our children to work through our grief.

Rachael then wrote the Mission of the parent group on the board (it's at the top of this blog), and we discussed what it means to build community and support one another:  being like a family, growing in relationship, taking care of each other in our thoughts and words and actions.

Everyone in attendance had opportunity to introduce themselves and share an encouraging word that they would like to share with staff and students (the encouragements that were written down will be posted to the blog).

Hilary then shared about Classroom Ambassadors: two parents per classroom that will help with communication between teachers and parents.

Rachael shared about lunch and recess flash mobs:  parents creating a little fun and excitement during lunch and recess.

At the end of the meeting, people interested in being a classroom ambassador could talk to Hilary, and there were sign up sheets for those interested in 1) praying together before school once a week and 2) flash mob volunteers.

The next planning meeting will take place on Friday, October 14, where there will be opportunity to learn about the blog and opportunity to brainstorm in small groups about some flash mob appearances and an upcoming resource fair.