Parent Group Mission

Parent Group Mission: To build community and support the staff and one another, for the good of our children (construir una comunidad y apoyar el personal apoyarnos los unos a los otros, por el bien de nuestros hijos)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Parent Group Meeting November 18 notes

On Friday, November 18, about 15 of us gathered in room 129 to talk about what's going on at the school (and in our country).  Mr. Donner joined us for the first half of the meeting.  We began talking about whether or not the recent election had impacted our children's safety at school.  No one had anything negative to report and instead praised the staff for seeming well prepared and adept at handling the situation.  Parents had heard of incidents at other Detroit schools.  One woman said she knew of adults that were being harassed and asked if there was anything we as a parent group could do about it.  Erica said she had heard that some schools were designated as sanctuaries for students without immigration papers and asked if SWDCS was.  Frank said, no, not officially, but the school works hard to keep every student safe.  The police officer that is sometimes around the school wanted parents to know that he is only there for the students' safety and has nothing to do with immigration.

Rachael encouraged the two women to find out more from people and online and come back next meeting and tell us what action steps, if any, they would like us to take as a group.

 We talked about the Family to Family Holiday Help idea, and after discussing and proposing different ideas, we agreed on an application to request help and to offer help and a dropbox in the office.

Rachael mentioned the Resource Fair coming up December 7.

Rachael also mentioned that she would play the keyboard and sing during lunch in the cafeteria on November 28, if anyone wanted to join her.

Anali and some others decided they would like to bring treats and have coffee next Parent Group Meeting.  Sandra said the school would provide the coffee.   Yay for collaboration!!!!

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