October 27:
Mr. Donner and some parents shared announcements, mostly about places to go for Halloween fun. Then we went around and introduced ourselves and shared what we do for Halloween and/or Day of the Dead. (I don't remember what else happened at that meeting, since I am a slacker and am writing about it 6 months after it happened)
November 17:
First, a woman from gleaners came in to talk about a stand alone introductory cooking class (Cooking Matters), as well as a six week class. We agreed to have the stand alone class in place of the December parent group meeting (December 15, 9am-10am) and see at that time if there was interest in the six week class.
Secondly, concerns: after school pick up safety and efficiency. Complaints were targeted at parents who drive through the circle drive at pick up (passing the cars that are waiting), instead of waiting their turn. One parent said she arrived to school 10 or so minutes before school got out and waited 40 minutes in the circle drive to get her child. Another parent said that kids coming out of the middle school hall come out slower and parents socialize or something and then parents waiting behind them to get to the elementary door have to just wait, and their children are waiting outside, and it's frustrating and inefficient. Parents also agreed that sometimes their kids don't come out, and the kids say it's because they never heard their name called because it is so loud in the classroom where they are waiting. One parent recommended putting children on the "walker" list and waiting on the street for children to come out. She also suggested that parents volunteer to make the process more efficient.
The other concern a parent brought up was security. She reported that, at Trunk or Treat, she saw a man on the street in front of the school park and get his gun out and put it in his pants. He did not enter school property and he eventually got back into his car and left. But this worried the parent and got her thinking about security measures at the school. One parent said that Michigan law allows parents to come into the school building with guns. Which is restrictedly true, I guess. At the time I wasn't sure how to respond because I wasn't sure of the law, but the link below is helpful. Though the laws are confusing and irresponsible, in my opinion. It seems that people with a CPL can openly carry a weapon into a school but cannot have it concealed (which is so ridiculous to me, but I don't want to get into it). The link below tries to explain the current Michigan law regarding guns and schools.
Thirdly, we shared what we were thankful for about the school and the staff. Things that came up were...Mr. Donner always has a smile and takes a moment to be friendly, even when busy. Mr. Donner is a good listener. Mr. Donner came BACK, as the first principal to stay longer than a year. He is not giving up! One parent (with history) said she feels more aligned with the school than she has in a long time and feels that communication is getting better. She finds the new teachers to be caring and considerate. Parents expressed thanks for Emma and Sandra, for being so friendly and so helpful and going the extra mile to help them. Many parents said the school was friendly. Parents also expressed appreciation for their students' teachers, who support their students in the good and the bad, speak positively to the kids.
December 15: Cooking Matters introductory cooking class led by Mariela Cruz of Gleaners
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