Parent Group Mission

Parent Group Mission: To build community and support the staff and one another, for the good of our children (construir una comunidad y apoyar el personal apoyarnos los unos a los otros, por el bien de nuestros hijos)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

School lunch improvement meeting April 11, 2018

Lunch time Volunteer Observations and Suggestions

for making school lunch

April 11, 2018
Paula Astudillo and Rachael Sanowski

environmentally friendly in a friendly environment


    often no water or milk for later lunch shifts
    if a student wants a beverage, he or she has to wait in the lunch line and take an entire lunch
    if wrapped silverware falls to the ground, it gets thrown away
    if a student takes silverware without taking a lunch, the kitchen person yells
    if a student wants just part of a lunch, the kitchen person refuses to allow this
    the atmosphere is often hostile and aggressive (kitchen person and school staff)
    some students take milk or water but never drink it.
    wasting of food
    inconsistency in what can be brought to school and what is sold at school


    water/milk table supervised by a staff member or volunteer
    a return box located at the water/milk table
    students not taking lunch must first eat their brought lunch but then may take a beverage or return food from the water/milk table
    consistency in what can be brought to school and what is sold at school
    staff awareness and education—efficiency and respect
    student awareness and education—waste (sustainability), sharing (generosity), intrinsic responsibility
    recycling stations
    on Fridays, collect leftover food to give to volunteer organizations

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